Folgende Textvorlagen können Sie gerne für die Einrichtung der E-Mails in Ihrem Tippspiel verwenden.
Folgende Textvorlagen können Sie gerne für die Einrichtung der E-Mails in Ihrem Tippspiel verwenden.
Betreffzeile: Registration for the prediction game
Empfohlener Text der E-Mail:
Hello {username},
you have successfully registered for the European Campionship prediction game. Only one more step separates you from the fact that you can also submit your tips. To do this, please activate your account once with the following activation code (token) and then log in with your self-selected access data:
Username: {username}
Activation code / token: {token}
If you have accidentally closed the window to activate your account, copy the following link into your browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, etc.) : {activationLink}
Good luck!
#Company Name#
Betreffzeile: New password for the prediction game
Empfohlener Text der E-Mail:
Hello {username},
you have just requested a new password for your username.
Your temporary password is: {password}
As soon as you log in again, you can change your temporary password in your profile area as you wish.
We wish you continued success and fun with our prediction game!
#Company Name#
Betreffzeile: Registration to our newsletter
Empfohlener Text der E-Mail:
Hello {username},
thank you for your registration to our newsletter!
Sign up for the newsletter right away by clicking on the following link:
Best regards
#Company Name#
To delete your user account, please click on the following confirmation link: {link}
Attention: it is not possible to restore the user account afterwards!